英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:16:32
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1. make an error

e.g. She slipped up and revealed the name

Synonym: stumbletrip up

1. 出现疏漏;出小差错
If you slip up, you make a small or unimportant mistake.

e.g. There were occasions when we slipped up...
e.g. You will see exactly where you are slipping up.

1. 出错:14 voluntary arbitration 自愿仲裁 | 15 slip up 出错 | 16 wear and tear 磨损;损耗

2. 错误:slip-road 高速公路进出口 | slip-up 错误 | slipcase 书套


3. 跌倒:slip the leash 摆脱束缚 | slip up 跌倒 | slip 滑倒

4. slip up的解释

4. 错误, 忽略:sanitary napkin 卫生巾 | slip-up 错误, 忽略 | sneak 暗中进行的

Don't let yourself quit. Even if you slip up once or twice, you shouldn't abandon your resolution.(别让自己放弃。即便一两次不小心“犯错”,也不要放弃决意。)
Hopefully, Inter will slip up tomorrow, but even if they don’t, we’ll be up by two points heading into the derby and we’ll look to extend it to five again.(运气好的话,国际米兰明天输球。但是即使他们赢了,我们依然在德比大战之前拥有2分的领先优势,并且希望借德比将这个优势继续扩大到5分。)
High-flying West Bromwich Albion could go third if Spurs slip up against Everton.(野心勃勃的西布朗将有可能爬至第三,如果热刺失手于埃弗顿。)
If you have a slip up and start to let those doubts creep in, recognize it, alter it, and move forward.(如果你有个艰难的开局,并让疑问悄悄侵蚀你的目标,认清目标,摒除疑问,并坚定地向前进。)
We can't afford to slip up.(我们疏忽不得。)
Don't give up, even if you slip up.(即使出了小岔错,也别放弃。)
Everyone who's ever tried to lose weight has found it challenging. When you slip up, the best idea is to get right back on track and don't look back.(每个减肥的人都知道这是一个挑战,如果你疏忽一次,最好的办法是忘记它,走回正轨不要回头看。)
Making mistakes is part of being a parent, and discipline is an area where we slip up constantly.(犯错误是为人父母的一部分,惩戒则是最常犯错误的领域。)
If you slip up, don't give up! Major changes sometimes have false starts.(如果你遇到一些挫折,请不要就此放弃有时候一些重大的改变始于错误的开始。)
Listen to the elder sister, I have the courage, once again sitting on too, slip up seriously, after a while, I have learned.(听了姐姐的话,我又有了勇气,再一次坐在冰车上,认真滑了起来,不一会儿,我竟然学会了。)
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